Posted by: La Coacha on Tuesday, April 21st, 2009 to Chisme

jennifer-aniston-john mayer-2009 Oscars

Yenny From The Block has been on her Baster movie set today in Nueva York. The movie has been able to get her over her attention puto boyfriend, Yon Mayer. Pero, he’s not making it too easy. 

Yonny has been chisme-ing to even strangers on how needy y clingy Yenny was. Supposedly, after their first breakup last August, he asked her to give him some space. He says that La Aquarius was so emotionally dependent and demanding. Yenny would always fight con Yon  because of his wandering eye, and because he refused to put an engagement ring on her finger. Yenny is so estoopid if she thought he was going to marry her! He’s soooo immature. 

Agh, why can’t she yust go for the guy behind the camera? She needs to date an older and wiser man whose not an actor or singer! She so needs to hire La Coacha to give her some coaching. Call me girl, seriously!

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